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Co-Student | Grade FeedGrade Feed
Co-Student | Grade FeedSign up
Co-Student | Grade FeedSign in
Co-Student | Grade FeedProfile
Co-Student | Grade FeedMy tests
Co-Student | Grade FeedMy mistakes
Co-Student | Grade FeedCourse
Co-Student | Grade FeedHome work
Co-Student | Grade FeedCourse feed
Co-Student | Grade FeedLesson video
Co-Student | Grade FeedLesson explanation
Co-Student | Grade FeedStudents H.W degrees



is an educational app that combines social media and e-learning to help students learn faster and easier. With features like tests, courses, lessons, homework, and feeds, this app makes it easy to connect with teachers and classmates, access educational resources and measure tests hardness. visit Co-Student.com today and start your learning or teaching journey!

Co-Student | Grade FeedPomodoro timer
Co-Student | Grade FeedEisenhower matrix
Co-Student | Grade FeedDrag & Drop
Co-Student | Grade FeedNew task
Co-Student | Grade FeedPages
Co-Student | Grade FeedLanguages
Co-Student | Grade FeedEdit timer
Co-Student | Grade FeedConfetti when finished
Co-Student | Grade FeedCompleted tasks


is the ultimate productivity app that combines the Pomodoro technique and the Eisenhower matrix. With drag and drop task management, completed task tracking, and a clock-dependent Pomodoro timer, PoMatrix is perfect for boosting your productivity. Try it today and start working smarter, not harder.

Co-Student | Grade FeedHome page
Co-Student | Grade FeedReservation
Co-Student | Grade FeedFilters
Co-Student | Grade FeedNew Listing
Co-Student | Grade FeedMy properties
Co-Student | Grade FeedMy trips
Co-Student | Grade FeedAuth


built with Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Zustand, Prisma, and MongoDB is a modern and efficient web app for booking accommodations. With fast page loads, easy styling, and simple state management, it provides an intuitive search experience and seamless booking process. Plus, it's easy to maintain and extend thanks to the use of popular and reliable technologies.

Co-Student | Grade FeedInstallation
Co-Student | Grade FeedRandomize array elements
Co-Student | Grade FeedGenerate a password
Co-Student | Grade FeedMore utils


is an exceptional npm package that can assist you in numerous ways. It boasts a range of awesome tools, such as randArr() which randomizes array elements, and gPss() which generates strong passwords or IDs based on your preferences, among others.

Co-Student | Grade FeedHome
Co-Student | Grade FeedStartup
Co-Student | Grade FeedDesktop
Co-Student | Grade FeedStart menu
Co-Student | Grade FeedVscode
Co-Student | Grade FeedAppearance


Explore my website that looks and feels just like Windows 11! Built with Next.js and TypeScript, it offers an immersive experience complete with popular applications like Google Chrome, Edge, and Visual Studio Code. With the ability to customize the background, turn the site on and off, and even restart it, this website is unlike anything you've ever seen before. Discover it now!

Co-Student | Grade FeedHome
Co-Student | Grade FeedSkills
Co-Student | Grade FeedProjects
Co-Student | Grade FeedArticles
Co-Student | Grade FeedResume
Co-Student | Grade FeedContact


My portfolio is a collection of my work, skills, and projects. It's designed for anyone interested in learning more about my experiences and expertise. With sections dedicated to articles, skills, resume, contact, and projects, you can easily navigate and explore what I have to offer. Whether you're a potential employer, collaborator, or just curious, I invite you to take a look and see what I can bring to the table.

Co-Student | Grade FeedNextPrompt
Co-Student | Grade FeedTouchShare
Co-Student | Grade FeedDashboard
Co-Student | Grade FeedAnother Dashboard
Co-Student | Grade FeedTyping speed test
Co-Student | Grade FeedCoffee Shop
Co-Student | Grade FeedCRUDs


You, can discover it from my repos on github, NextPrompt (Next.js), TouchShare (React, Sanity), Dashboard (React), Another Dashboard (HTML, CSS, JS), Typing speed test (HTML, CSS, JS), Coffee shop (HTML, CSS), CRUDs (HTML, CSS, JS).


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